
Monitor Risk for MLOps

Power to manage the model with clear reporting across a wide range of AI systems.​

Detect and manage AI risks. Comply with over 15 legal frameworks.

Bias and fairness

Equitable algorithms free from discrimination.


False and misleading outputs identified.

Environmental impact

Energy consumption and ecological footprint assessed.


Fabricated information identified and addressed.


Price-setting systems inspected for collusion and derived liability.

Data provenance

Verified data origin and integrity.

AI Auditing You Can Trust

Maximize performance, foster trust and build compliance with independent audits of your AI systems.

The Automation Advantage

Continuous and cost-effective, the ITACA platform delivers pre-and post-market risk detection and mitigation. Custom audits also available.

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Risk detection and monitoring

with fairness and impact metrics, and a set of tailored​ benchmarks for continuous improvement.

Visible and verifiable

certification and labelling scheme shows compliance and accountability.

Subscription-based platform​

that turns laws, standards and values into technical specifications​ and provides external, independent oversight.

Systems audited by receive a renewable seal of authentication, an outward symbol of responsible and compliant AI.

Trusted by